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  horoscopes for your Media: Horoscopes
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Most questions can be answered with the FAQ below.
We strongly recommend you read it first before going further.
Please make your selection from the choices below:

  1. I have not yet received the report I ordered. What is going on?
  2. How do I order a report?
  3. If I don't have a credit card, can I use another form of payment?
  4. If I order a report, when can I expect to receive it?
  5. How will my report be delivered?
  6. How long are the reports on average?
  7. What is your privacy policy?
  8. What are the conditions of use of HoroscopeZen.com's website and reports?
  9. Can I get my free daily Horoscope by email?
  10. If I still have questions, how do I contact you?

Question I have not yet received the report I ordered. What is going on?
Answer In this section you will find the tools and links necessary to check your order status. At the bottom of this section is a way to retrieve your report now, both online and by email. But first a quick check list:

Reports are sent on the next business day (except in case of unexpected system downtime) and often even earlier. Reports are sent in a first come, first serve order. On average you can expect to receive your report around 4pm PST. HOWEVER, please do allow until the end (midnight) of the business day on which you are expecting your report before worrying. Possible technical difficulties can delay deliveries, and Mondays or the day after a long Holiday, are particularly busy and may experience a few hours of delay at the most. But we never forget you.

If after midnight of the day you were supposed to receive your paid Horoscopes report, you still have no report from us, please do read the following:

Please understand that if you have not received your premium Horoscope report, chances are it is not our fault. Our order delivery servers have redundant mechanisms which do not allow them, or us for that matter, to "forget" about your report. In any case, we will do our best to help you recover your report a.s.a.p. Please note the following:

Most Probable Cause:
Our experience over the last 7 years shows that, 99% of the time, if an order is not received, it is because the customer incorrectly typed their email address on the order form, causing the report to go to an undeliverable address. This can be confirmed particularly if you did not receive your order confirmation/receipt either, which is send automatically to your email address by the system immediately after you placed the order, which, for the same reason, would not have reached you.

Other Usual Reasons:
The other 1% of the time, we see the following reasons:
- customer's ISP fails to deliver mail on time, or at all
- customer's mailbox is too large or over quota and no longer accepts mail
- customer's email software has filters or blocks for unknown emails and routes the report to a "spam" folder

How to retrieve your paid Horoscopes report if you have not received it:

If you placed an order no longer than 90 days ago, you can log into our Report Manager and check the status of your order and if it has been completed, you can retrieve your report by email to the address you provided us on the order form, or specify another email address, or even view your report on the screen. Please be sure to make sure there is no TYPO in the email addresses you give us, as this may be the cause of the problem.
You can login to the REPORT MANAGER here.

If the order shows as "sent" and you have tried to receive your order using the Report Manager with no success, please do contact us at this time.

Question How do I order a report?
Answer Simple, just click on the "Order" button at the top of this window.

Question If I don't have a credit card, can I use another form of payment?
Answer If you do NOT have a credit card, but still have an email address, you may find other ways to order by going here and looking at option 2: Payment Options

Question If I order a report, when can I expect to receive it?
Answer All reports are sent on the next business day, based on United States pacific standard time.

Question How will my report be delivered?
Answer Your report will be delivered via email, using the email address you provide us on the order form. You may also retrieve, view and resend your order once it has been completed by going here.

Question How long are the reports on average?
Answer On average, the reports are 10 to 30 pages long. A sample of every report is provided for you to examine before you place an order. Of course, your report will be personalized and based on your birth information (date, time, place, name).

Question What is your privacy policy?
Answer Your birth information will never be sold or used for any purpose other than one related to the specific report you order. For all other concerns, please refer to our privacy policy.

Question What are the conditions of use of HoroscopeZen.com's website and reports?
Answer Please refer to our detailed terms and conditions.

Question Can I get my free daily Horoscope by email?
Answer You can read your free daily Horoscope on HoroscopeZen.com's website. You can also use our shorcut feature by pressing the "Add us to Your Desktop" button to have a shortcut to HoroscopeZen.com installed on your computer. Email delivery of your daily Horoscope is not currently a feature we offer, as most our visitors prefer to read it on our site. We are however working on this option and if you would like to be kept informed about new developments on HoroscopeZen.com, please sign up for our newsletter. You can sign up for our email newsletter from the HoroscopeZen.com homepage.

Question If I still have questions, how do I contact you?
Answer Most questions about our service and your report can be answered through on online help desk. Please do read it before contacting us. If after careful review of our FAQ you still need assistance with an issue related to your purchase, please contact us as follows:

1) For general questions, email us at:  or mail us at:

321 N Pass Ave.
Burbank, CA 91505

2) For urgent matters, have your ORDER NUMBER ready (very important), and your email address/contact information, then contact:

during business hours:
10am - 5pm PST
(closed weekends & Holidays)

by phone: 818-531-4653
by fax: 818-450-0359

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