Name Analysis

ADAM - Md) - ADM

Tarot Card: Force Zodiac Sign: Leo Value: 45

Adam's name is enormously significant, as it is the name of the first man in the Bible. The hugely symbolic and essentially esoteric nature of the Bible is revealed when we begin to analyse this name. Its value is 45, which tells us that while Adam is very much a materialist and of the earth he has the capacity for considerable enlightenment. The number four represents the four elements and the earth bound side of Adam's nature. The number five on the other hand relates to the state of man when the fifth element of spirit is added, hence the occult significance of the pentagram in magical lore. At a more mystical level the number five relates to the pentagrammaton; YHShVH which is the Hebrew spelling of Jesus, as discussed in Part One of this book. This symbolically suggests the purely human nature of the teacher from Nazareth.

You could never be bored in a relationship with Adam, his enthusiasm for life is highly infectious and he is always full of suggestions for new interests and activities to pursue. Adam does like to be in charge though. If you are in a relationship with an Adam and you are unwilling to allow him to take the lead especially in terms of money related issues you may have a certain amount of friction to deal with.

We should expect Adam to very well for himself financially thanks to this strong connection to the world of matter. At the same time it is very rare to find an Adam who is greedy or selfish I his dealings with others because of the latent power of the spirit within his personality. In later life Adam may well go on to explore his spiritual side more seriously. The compression of Adam's numerical value gives us the letter Teth meaning "serpent", which has obvious connotations in terms of the Eden story. For Adam himself this is a very positive association as it indicates a level of determination and courage in life. This is strengthened by the connection to the Force card from the Tarot. Adam is full of energy and at times this can cause fireworks as he has the potential to unleash his fiery temper on those who needlessly obstruct him.

BETH - tb - BTh

Tarot Card: The Hierophant Zodiac sign: Taurus Value:402

There is a good chance that this is exactly the type of book that would appeal to Beth. Her associated Tarot card is the Hierophant, which is sometimes referred to as the Pope or Priest card. It indicates a concern with and an interest in matters of a spiritual nature, specifically the more esoteric and mysterious side of spirituality. The sign of Taurus is also important to this name and this acts as a balancing force to the energy of the Hierophant. The sign of Taurus is an Earth sign and this tells us that Beth has her feet firmly on the ground and doesn't let her interests cloud her common sense.

In relationships Beth can be a little slow in verbally expressing her feelings but she is unusually tactile and will show her affection in a myriad of interesting ways! Never one for short-term affairs Beth looks for solid commitment in a partner. If you haven't been hugged for a while then the chances are that you have been falling down on your side of the partnership - Beth needs approval and lots of it.

Beth is a very practical woman and is at home in a workshop or the local DIY store. She also has an extremely sensual nature and enjoys decorating her home in a rich and inviting manner. The concern with domestic life and the home is also indicated in her name, which means "house". A confirmed individual Beth is always willing to stand her ground in a debate and would make a good negotiator. She may well run her own business, and is likely to be drawn to the area of home improvements or design.


Tarot Card: Fortune Zodiac sign: Scorpio Value: 263

Everyone relies on Brian, he is always willing to shoulder that extra burden for you and will run the extra mile into the bargain. Brian's association with the Hanged Man card of the Tarot indicates his willingness to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of others. The initial letter Beth which means "house" in Hebrew suggests that Brian's altruistic nature is likely to relate to his close family. On the surface Brian is a cheerful enough chap, the central pairing of the letters Resh and Yod point to an energised and sunny disposition. However, the associations of this name with Scorpio tell us that he has a secret and potentially melancholic side to his nature.

In relationships Brian is very likely to marry at a relatively young age. If you are married to a Brian you may well have a sense of how lucky you are. He is a deeply emotional individual and the combination of the letters Aleph and Nun tell us that he is by nature and extremely loyal partner.

Career wise Brian will do very well in any one of the caring professions, particularly working with older people. As a recognisably safe pair of hands he may well find himself in a management role. He needs to control his willingness to listen to everyone's troubles or he will find himself drowning in a sea of paperwork. On the whole Brian is sensible when it comes to money, but is a sucker for a good cause and should be kept away from charity tins when he is in an especially good mood.


Tarot Card: The Fool Zodiac sign: Sagittarius Value:787/ 127

Interestingly the value of Jason's name reduces to twenty-two, the number of the Fool in the Tarot, which symbolises innocence, enthusiasm and naiveté. In Jason's case we should see this symbol as in its position at the end rather than the beginning of the Tarot cycle, where it symbolises the enlightened position of the so-called 'Wise fool'. Jason has a very physical side to his personality and should be involved in some form of sporting activity in order to burn up the enormous amounts of energy he possesses. If he decides to lead a sedentary lifestyle he will find himself becoming increasingly irritable in nature as time goes on. The central presence of the letter Samech in his name tells us that Jason can be extremely supportive. In the context of his leisure time, this indicates that he should ideally get involved in a sport such as football or cricket where he will prove to be an invaluable member of the team.

In particular the naivety of the Fool relates to his relationships, where Jason has a touching faith in the feelings of his partner, which in itself can be decidedly charming and attractive. As a wise fool Jason knows that as much as he is quite capable of unconditional love, he may not find the right person straight away. His innate wisdom means that he will let go of someone if they wish to break up without the usual attendant recriminations and disharmony. This is of enormous benefit to Jason and will ensure that a mistake in love will not hold him back from moving on and enjoying life to the full.

Jason is a well-liked chap, mainly because he is totally up front; there are no hidden agendas with Jason. If Jason likes you as a friend but also finds you a useful person to know in terms of his business he will tell you so. In fact Jason is so straight with people he may even tell them when they are useful but not really friends! The power of Leo is prevalent in his name, which assures him a good level of success in his life while indicating a forceful and charismatic personality.

OLIVER - hwyl( - A'ALYVH

Tarot Card: The Empress Zodiac Sign: Aquarius Value: 121

You are not likely to see Oliver down at the local health club, he is far more happy sitting at home with a good book or sitting in front of his computer struggling with some intractable logic puzzle. This name is absolutely full of Air energy, and the element of Air relates to all aspects of the mind. Oliver is very content with his lot, he may not be able to move heavy furniture around the house, but he probably earns enough to be able pay someone else to that sort of thing for him!

While he has a great brain Oliver is not one for living in relative poverty as an altruistic academic. The value of his name reduces to four, which indicates a definite concern with the material side of life, which suggests a love of the sensual. In addition the influence of the sign Capricorn tells us that here we have a man who likes his luxuries. The full total of his name is 121, and the fact that his name's value begins and ends with a one shows his confirmed independence. It is this independent streak that may lead Oliver to avoid close personal relationships. However, he would do well to remember that a luxurious lifestyle is even more satisfying when it is shared.

The initial letter in Oliver's name is Ayin, which means, "eye" in Hebrew. In the context of the other forces in his name which point to a high level of intellectual ability this association probably suggests a very observant nature when it comes to verbal detail. Oliver would make an excellent lawyer or legislator. This letter is also an indicator of enormous will and individuality. It points to someone who is capable of making up their own mind about any issue without being remotely influenced by mainstream opinions. This makes Oliver a very interesting person to know.

Warm regards,

Jonathan Sharp
Name Expert for


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